The 'Centro de Foniatría y Logopedia' in Santander, Spain (Phoniatric and Speech Therapy Centre) has developed for over thirty years the Proprioceptive Elastic Method (PROEL) to treat voice problems and optimize user and professional voice.

Our experience in teaching our method to other professionals through face-to-face courses is extensive; and still, such courses generate interest with a large number of training requests that we receive constantly. In recent years, we have organized a large part of our teaching material related to prevention and treatment of voice problems to offer online courses. These courses are extensive in both a written (five volumes of 200 pages each) and interactive format (with hundreds of interactive animations and videos). They are as well under constant review as they are based on state-of-the-art scientific advances.

Our training method is innovative mainly because we complement exhaustive theory material with dynamic experimentation, with practical applications in laboratory experiments and with new methodologies to apply what is learnt to our daily practice. In addition, constant tutoring is performed in small groups, which fosters a participative and enriching environment for students, by sharing professional experiences and points of view with each other.

In 2018 our training has been recognized for its quality and dedication of its training team to become an Expert University Qualification in collaboration with the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP). This collaboration finished in 2023, and the course continues without the University

Expert in Proprioceptive Elastic Method (PROEL) in the treatment of voice disorders

On-line by 'Centro de Foniatría y Logopedia Borragán de Santander' (Phoniatric and Speech Therapy Centre)

Course instruction

This course will be instructed predominately online, through our e-learning platform. However, one of the modules will require classroom attendance, and although it could be followed via videoconference, attending students will benefit from extra group dynamics.

Featured characteristics

Three languages

Complementary materials are fully translated to three different languages: Spanish, English and Italian.

36 ECTS Credits

Reading materials, on-line videoconferences, pre-recorded sessions, clinical experiences

Individual Tuition

Tuition will be carried out in the native language of the student (Spanish, English, Italian) and in small groups.

Multimedia content

More than 400 original videos and more than 50 interactive animations.

Exhaustive documentation

5 volumes of 200 pages with course resources.

Collaborative methodologies

Collaborative learning guaranties a better comprehension of contents and improves the student’s experience

Course contents

A small peek to what's inside

Our tutors

Tuition will be organised in small groups guided by a professional with extensive experience and prestige. These are some of the tutors.

Alfonso Borragán

Doctor specialised in Phoniatrics

Bachelor of Medicine, University of Cantabria in 1981, medical specialist in Phoniatrics, University of Padua in 1987, PhD in Medicine, University of Cantabria. Experience in voice pathology since 1982.

Andrea Ricci

Doctor specialised in Phoniatrics

Bachelor of Medicine, University of Bolonia (Italy) in 1984. Medical specialist in Otorhinolaryngology, University of Modena in 1987. Medical specialist in Phoniatrics, University of Padua in 1990. Physician working in ORL service in Hospital Bufalini in Cesena since 1990, being since then the chief of the Phoniatrics and Phonosurgery Area. Experience in voice pathology since 1990.

Marián Agudo

Speech Therapist

Degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences (Section of Education Sciences), University of Salamanca (1988), Master in Speech Therapy, Complutense University of Madrid (1990). Experience in voice pathology since 1990.

María José González

Speech therapist

Degree in Teaching in Basic General Education, University of Cantabria, 1987, Postgraduate certificate in Psychopathology and Speech rehabilitation, University Pontificia of Comilllas, Madrid, 1989, Degree in Speech Therapy at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, 2013. Experience in pathology of the voice since 1989.

María Borragán

Speech therapist

Diploma in Speech Therapy, Complutense University of Madrid (2011) and Degree in Speech Therapy, Complutense University of Madrid (2013). Researcher. Master in Cognitive Neuroscience and Language, University of the Basque Country / BCBL, (2016). Experience in voice pathology since 2011.

Carmen Borragán

Therapeutic Pedagogue

Teaching Degree in English as a Foreign Language, University of Cantabria (2007). Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology with distinction in Cognitive Anthropology, Complutense University of Madrid (2010). Degree in Primary Education with distinction in Therapeutic Pedagogy, International University of La Rioja UNIR (2017). Secondary Education Master, International University of La Rioja (2017). Expert in Flipped Classroom Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (2018).

Bruno Gómez

Speech therapist

Degree in Speech Therapy with Distinction in Paediatrics from the University of Cantabria (2015). Professional Degree in Classical Music by the Ministry of Education of the Basque Country (2011). Master's Degree in Teacher Training specialty in Music Education (2017). Advanced Level in Music Theory at Trinity College London (2010). Experience in voice pathology since 2015.

Valentina Romizi

Speech therapist

Graduated in Speech Therapy from the University of Trieste (2006). Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques with distinction in Psychobiology, University of Trieste (2012). Lecturer in "Clinic and Voice and Speech pathology", University of Perugia (2017). Specialist degree “Holistic Operator of the Voice”, ‘UmbriaInCanto’ Training School (2018). Experience in voice pathology since 2007.

Barbara Ramella

Speech therapist

Graduated in Speech Therapy, University of Turin (1996). University Degree in Deglutology (2008), in Evolutionary Neuropsychology (2016) and in Clinical Investigation in the Sanitary Field (2017). Experience in voice pathology since 2009.

Silvia Biasotti

Speech therapist

Degree in Modern Languages and Literature, University of Bologna (2011). Degree in Speech Therapy, University of Ferrara (2015). Specialising in voice pathologies, muscle-facial muscle imbalances, language and learning disorders. Experience in voice pathology since 2015

Chiara Corbo

Speech therapist

Degree in Speech Therapy, University of Padua (2015). Pre-academic Diploma of Piano, Giuseppe Tartini Conservatory, Trieste (2011). Currently attending the second year of the Giovanni Ferrari music therapy school in Padua. Working in Trieste in voice pathologies, language disorders and facial muscle imbalance.

Official Features and Price

This course has been suspended. There will be no more editions after the current one (2024-2025). Sorry for the inconvenience